Dont Starve Funny Dont Starve Funny

Base Game

  • The trailer has one of Wilson's experiments blow up in his face, causing his hair to stick out at all angles...for a few seconds, at which point it pops back into his trademark hairstyle, complete with a comical "boing" sound.
  • In the ending of Adventure Mode, the player finds Maxwell trapped on a demonic throne, with a phonograph playing ragtime nearby. Turning it off makes him thank you, because he's been listening to that one song for an eternity. And turning it back on...

    Maxwell: I suppose I deserved that.

    • In an otherwise disturbing scene where Maxwell dies after being freed and the Shadows force the player to take his place, the phonograph starts back up if you turned it off.
  • Generally, the baying of the Hounds, which appear every few days, tends to invoke trepidation in the characters. When Wolfgang hears them, however...

    Wolfgang: I hear puppies!

    • Wormwood's reaction isn't much better.

      Wormwood: Woofers!

  • Willow's reaction to a Deerclops is basically what any rational person would say if they met such a monstrous creature.
  • One of the possible traps is a simple chest. If you open it, the season immediately changes to the unforgiving Winter or Summer. The only thing a character can say when they fall for the trap is "Whoops".
  • Wickerbottom is normally a no-nonsense woman. In the presence of a baby beefalo, she momentarily gushes over its cuteness before catching herself.

    Wickerbottom: Look at its widdle face! *Ahem*.

    • This is made funnier by the fact that baby Beefalo are kind of Ugly Cute.
  • Wilson's comment on the pitchfork is pure hilarity note It's a jab at Maxwell being a demon:

    Wilson: Maxwell might be looking for this.

  • Being from an era before cars became commonplace, the normally very knowledgeable and secretive Maxwell for once knows less than the player:

    Examining a License Plate: Letters and numbers... some sort of secret code?

Reign of Giants:

  • WX-78 refers to the statue of a Glommer as "stone insect". Literal, but logical. But when they meet the real Glommer:


  • The Volcano Altar of Snackrifice in Shipwrecked lets you offer things to delay volcanic eruptions. Most characters make comments about appeasing the volcano when examining it, but then there's this:

    Willow: Why would I wanna appease the volcano? Then it wouldn't shoot fire!

  • Krampus is a Hawaiian-Shirted Tourist in Shipwrecked.
  • The Sealnado boss in Shipwrecked. It's a giant tornado monster that attacks with wind and, like any other boss, is pretty hard to kill if you're unprepared. Once you defeat it, the wind dissipates, revealing... a ridiculously cute baby seal with puppy-dog eyes. Some of the character reaction lines are quite funny, especially WX-78's:
  • The Windbreaker inevitably leads to lots of puns about breaking wind, but Maxwell's reaction to it is just "Sigh."


  • The Hamlet DLC includes the addition of Tea. Which is made... using two Orange Pikos, aka orange squirrels. note A pun on orange pekoe tea Unlike with Butter, a majority of the characters don't actually comment on this weird ingredient save a few.

    Wagstaff: A rodent based broth that tastes remarkably like tea!
    Wheeler: You can barely taste the rodent.

Don't Starve Together

  • Several concept art pieces for Don't Starve Together alternate character costumes have been released. Most of them are wearing the trademark frown, but Willow's "Burnt" skin has a tiny smile, as if she's thinking, "totally worth it".
    • The Shadow skin sets all give the characters suitably threatening and cool Evil Makeovers, especially in the official artwork for the sets... with the exception of Maxwell, who instead gets the ridiculously dorky-looking Unshadowed set, complete with Nerd Glasses. William Carter really has has come a long way since 1901.
  • Wolfgang's quote for the Evil Flower. It's completely random and out of the blue:

    Wolfgang: Is not potato.

  • The Beefalo song. It is something quite special.
  • Wendy's quote for the Moon Stone once the Star Caller's Staff has been placed:

    Wendy: Perhaps it thirsts for a sacrifice. Where's Webber...

  • In the Valentine's Day comic, Woodie is desperately trying to convince Lucy that this mysterious admirer means nothing to him, while WX-78 appears to be short circuiting. Apparently, Love does not compute.
  • While she does deeply care about her younger sibling, Winona has some less than pleasant memories of Charlie:
    • And while Charlie's comments in Maxwell and Winona's speech files generally tend to be either Nightmare Fuel or Tear Jerkers, her response here is also kind of funny:

      I should like to speak, face to face.

  • As mentioned above, WX-78 isn't a very picky eater. However, they hate Sweet Potatoes for some reason.
  • Winona doesn't like Maxwell very much:

    Examining a (poisonous and health draining) Red Cap: Let Max try it first.

  • Willow's reaction to being presented with a can of "Ballphin Free" Tuna note In real life, some tuna cans would label themselves "dolphin free", meaning that no dolphins were harmed during the fishing:

    Willow: Aw, but I like mine with Ballphin!

  • Winona encountering a time paradox note She doesn't appear until Don't Starve Together, where Webber has already been revived:

    Examining Webber's Skull: I swear the kid'd lose his head if it weren't... wait.

  • In the Winter's Feast 2017 event, the Carol Emote was added. Besides triggering a singing animation when used, the character also "sings" a version of the Starver's Carol. This is fine with most characters, but WX-78 and Wes are absolutely terrible at it. The former has no sense of pitch and just beeps the rhythm, while the latter mimes singing without making any noise.
    • A forum commenter once called the game event "Don't Carol Together", after how terrible a chorus of different characters sounds when they play the emote together.
  • Winona claims to be "good with directions" when examining the Compass, but her direction quotes are all backwards. (E.G. She will read NW as Southeast)
  • If Wolfgang examines the Codex Umbra, he reveals that he cannot read.
  • Winona's reaction to examining a Maxwell Statue (which is made to resemble to her, the mysterious man that her little sister had been spending lots of time with), complete with a heavy dose of awkwardness:

    Winona: So THIS is "Maxy".

  • The chess piece sculptures one can find around the map sometimes include a King, which is incredibly thin, sharply-dressed, and lacks arms and a head. Almost everybody comments negatively on how weak and unimpressive the Kingly Figure seems, except Maxwell, who likes its fashion sense, and WX-78:
  • Maxwell hates getting wet:

    Maxwell (examining a Water Balloon): Do you have any idea how much this suit cost?

  • The game can be funny simply from the players messing with each other, as animated here.
  • The fact that in the Forge event, Maxwell and Wickerbottom's main offensive with the Tome of Petrification during its cooldown period involves entering melee range and smacking enemies with the book.
  • In the Forge, Maxwell always finishes a resurrection with a rather cold "No need to thank me.", promptly followed 3 seconds later by the restored ally jumping up and saying their programmed getting-up line... several of which involve them cheerfully thanking their reviver.
  • The Forge has a semi-boss mob, the Boarilla, which is the second-hardest mob to kill, has a lot of health and damage output, and has huge muscles. It also has little black bird feet.
  • Enraging the boss Klaus in DST will cause just about all the characters to panic. (Even Wigfrid, who yells "RUN AWAY!") However, some are less... upfront about it.
  • Wilson's reaction to the player trying to make him open Klaus's loot bag during the fight with Klaus:

    Wilson: I'm a little preoccupied!!

  • In the Gorge event, the characters are assigned tasks they are experts in to satisfy the Eternal Gnaw. Wes' task specialty? Haggling. Think about it.
  • The examination quotes for Trinkets in DST are noted for having some of the most colorful characterization in the game.
    • Willow having fun with a Ball and Cup:

      "Spinning the stick in the hole could start a fire. Thanks Girl Scouts!"

    • Maxwell is touchy about his age...

      Maxwell (Examining Second-hand Dentures): Is that a crack about my age?

      • And getting teased about it:

        Willow: Hey Maxwell, I think you dropped these!

    • WX-78 being rude:


    • Wolfgang takes a metaphor too literally:

      Examining Frayed Yarn: Will take to fragile man. He always talk about "pulling strings".

    • Woodie REALLY doesn't like those "feathered hosers":

      WX-78 (Examining Frayed Yarn): WHO KEEPS TYING TOGETHER ALL THOSE BIRDS?

      • This is also a reference to Maxwell tying birds together as one of the Noodle Implements to create the Jury-Rigged Portal in the Cyclum comic, which was in turn a Call-Back to Wilson doing the same thing with rats in the Forbidden Knowledge trailer and pouring a mysterious concoction down a dead goose's throat in his character portrait.
    • Wolfgang having an overreaction concerning Wendy:

      Examining Gnomette: Ah! Is creepy little girl! ...No, wait, is just toy.

    • Maxwell is concerned as ever with his dapperness:

      Examining Mismatched Buttons: My suits don't deserve to be defaced with these tacky atrocities.

    • Willow has a mischievous side:

      Examining Air Unfreshener: I stuck one down Wolfgang's unitard when he wasn't looking. Haha.

      • Which explains the smell:

        Maxwell: The strongman's wardrobe is filled to the brim with these, judging from the odor.
        Wolfgang: Smell like laundry.

    • Maxwell can also be a bit of a prankster:

      Examining Frazzled Wires: I might hide those in WX-78's bedroll if I get bored.

  • Characters will react to other characters starting fires. These reactions range from cautious, to terrified, to annoyed, to even angry. When Willow starts fires, however...well, nobody's surprised.

    Wilson: "Again?"
    Wolfgang: "Is not big surprise."
    Wickerbottom: "What have I said about lighting fires, dear?"
    Woodie: "Business as usual, I see."

  • In the "A New Reign" trailer, while most of Charlie's ascent into the Shadow Queen is terrifying, especially her magical beatdown of Wilson, there's something hilarious about Charlie fighting her monster side over the Nightmare Throne Room's interior decorations .
  • The combination of Webber, Maxwell, and Wortox's reactions to garlic tells a story. First, uncooked garlic:

    Maxwell: I suppose that's why there are no vampires around.
    Webber: Maxwell says you ward monsters away with it.
    Wortox: Hissss!

    • And then, cooked garlic:

      Maxwell: I wonder if it still wards away the undead.
      Webber: It didn't ward us off!
      Wortox: Hissssss!

  • In The Monster Marsh animated short, Wickerbottom takes the kids to the swamp to celebrate Halloween. They soon get attacked by hostile merms, forcing them to run for their life and dropping the book Wickerbottom was reading to the kids. Wurt, a young merm, casually finds the books and she finds it intriguing enough to sit down under a tree to read it while around the survivors are running and fighting to escape from merms and spiders (that Webber is trying to control with little success) and Abigail then chasing the Merms. When they finally stop running they are blasted away by a random tentacle, and the kids' sweet bag land right to Wurt, who gleefully enjoys a lollipop while she keeps on reading.
    • Also, during the reading she furiously rips a page with the image of some pigs to smithereens. Then she keeps on reading like it never happened.
  • Wolfgang is afraid of ghosts and will scream when he sees one, which can be kind of funny. The one that takes the cake, though, is his reaction to a Pipspook, where he screams, then stops and corrects himself for not screaming loud enough.

    Wolfgang: Aaaaah! Er, ahem, meant AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!

  • Maxwell apparently still has some tendencies from his earlier days as William Carter.

    Examining a Clean Sweeper: Presto change-o! Ahem... old habit.

    • Then there's Winona's comment on a Clean Sweeper.

      Is this one of Max's magic doo-hickeys?

  • Eating Glommer Goop prompts Walter to sing a modified Boy Scouts' classic:

    Walter: Great pink globs of greasy grimy Glommer guts / Icky sticky spider leg / Scrambled rotten tallbird egg / French fried eyeplant floating in a pool of mud / And me without my spoon!

  • Watching those annoying organics burn is fun and all, until one realizes why they keep farm plants around in the first place.


  • When examining a Volt Goat many characters will comment on its impressive horns, except Wortox who says "Your horns aren't so great". Sounds like he's jealous.
  • Wortox's quotes for food items range from mild disgust to absolute horror. Best is probably his quote for jellybeans: "I do not want those in my bellybean!"


  • Character reactions to certain Hallowed Nights items:


    • Everyone seems to be massively offended by raisins for some reason:


    • And then there's the item "Raisins", quotation marks included.

      Wilson: I... don't think I'll be eating those.

  • In the Hallowed Nights event, there's Maxwell's comment for the Broken Stake trinket. Apparently, someone tried (and failed) to stake him.

    Maxwell: I told you people, I am not a vampire!

  • Also, the circumstances surrounding his choice of a Krampus as his costume:

    Maxwell deeply regrets asking the others to choose his costume for him.

  • In the Winter's Feast event, there's a food item called the Eternal Fruitcake. However, none of the PC's will actually eat it, including WX-78, who usually doesn't mind what they eat and is unaffected by food spoilage.


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