What Country Eats the Most Beef Per Capita

Average daily meat consumption per person, measured in grams per person per day.

This is a list of countries by meat consumption. Meat is animal flesh that is eaten as food.[i]

Accuracy [edit]

The figures tabulated below do not represent per capita amounts of meat eaten by humans. Instead, they correspond FAO figures for carcass mass availability (with "carcass mass" for poultry estimated equally ready-to-cook mass),[2] divided by population. The amount eaten past humans differs from carcass mass availability because the latter does not business relationship for losses, which include bones, losses in retail and food service or home preparation (including trim and cooking), spoilage and "downstream" waste, and amounts consumed past pets (compare dressed weight).[3] [4] [5] As an example of the difference, for 2002, when the FAO figure for U.s. per capita meat consumption was 124.48 kg (274 lb vii oz), the USDA estimate of The states per capita loss-adapted meat consumption was 62.6 kg (138 lb).[half dozen] Additionally, the 2002 FAO study was potentially misleading for countries with high levels of meat export compared to their population, every bit it relied on production data using total carcass mass availability, whereas exports generally contain less bones, cartilage and other things not typically used for human consumption. For case, the FAO (2002) figure for Denmark, which has ane of the highest meat export rates compared to its population, was 145.9 kg (322 lb) (highest in the globe). More recent FAO figures (2009) have taken the earlier discrepancy into account, resulting in a significantly lower 95.ii kg (210 lb) for Denmark (13th in the globe).[7] [8] When further adjusted for loss, calculations by DTU Fødevareinstituttet suggest the actual consumption was 48 kg (106 lb) per adult.[8]

Meat consumption by country [edit]

Countries by meat consumption per capita
State kg/person (2002)[ix] [note one] kg/person (2009)[10] kg/person (2017) [11] kg/person (2017)[12]
Albania 38.2 44.1 41.78
Algeria 18.4 19.5 xx.32
American Samoa 24.ix 26.eight
Republic of angola 25 22.4 23.43
Antigua and Barbuda 56 84.3 74.56
Argentina 79.7 98.iii 112.17 90.39
Armenia 27.vii 45.eight 41.96
Australia 108.2 111.five 114.26 94.05
Austria 94.1 102 84.94
Azerbaijan 15.nine 32 33.91
Bahamas 123.vi 109.5 87.93
Bahrain 70.vii
Bangladesh three.1 4 4.27
Barbados 88.7 74.5 87.93
Republic of belarus 58.six 78.4 81.57
Belgium 86.1 76.9 54.19
Belize 74.7 42.5 41.07
Republic of benin 16.ii 20.9 16.82
Bhutan 3
Republic of bolivia 50 59.1 81.98
Bosnia and Herzegovina 21.iv 27.nine xl.98
Botswana 27.iii 26.2 24.48
Brazil 82.iv 85.three 99.36 77.32
Bulgaria 69.4 53 57.03
Burkina Faso 11.two 14.viii 12.75
Burundi 3.5 5.2
Kingdom of cambodia 13.9 16.6 12.67
Cameroon 14.4 12.7 12.27
Canada 108.one 94.3 90.09 69.02
Cape Verde 26.3 46.ane 31.93
Côte d'Ivoire xi.3 thirteen.3 11.22
Central African Republic 28 33.5 32.13
Chad 14.3 13 xi.56
Chile 66.4 74.1 86.63 71.58
China 52.4 58.2 61.7 48.94
Republic of colombia 33.9 46.5 57.84 47.69
Comoros vii.6 thirteen.4
Republic of the congo 13.3 13.four 39.34
Democratic Republic of the Congo 4.viii v.3
Costa rica 40.four 51.one 51.06
Croatia 49.9 66.3 75.19
Cuba 32.2 49.4 60.24
Cyprus 131.three 78.1 76.87
Czech Republic 77.3 83.iv lxxx.43
Denmark 145.9 95.two 76.87
Djibouti 17.1 23.7 fifteen.39
Dominica 67.1 68.6 60.49
Dominican Democracy 37.8 53.seven 52.03
Ecuador 45 56.4 46.04
Egypt 22.v 25.6 28.51 22.78
El Salvador 21.4 28.3 33.54
Eritrea 7.7 7.vii
Estonia 67.4 59.6 63.43
Federal democratic republic of ethiopia seven.9 8.5 7.2 four.61
Fiji 39.i 38.eight 41.16
Finland 67.4 74.eight 75.38
France 101.ane 86.7 77.97
French Guiana 13.2 14.6
French Polynesia 112.2 101.9 89.68
Gabon 46 66.4 58.24
The The gambia 5.2 viii.one 7.82
Georgia 26 25.5 31.97
Germany 82.one 88.i lxxx.5
Ghana ix.nine 13.9 13.82
Hellenic republic 78.7 74.8 68.65
Grenada 97 61 57.15
Guadeloupe 12.7 thirteen.6
Guatemala 23.8 28.eight 35.vii
Guinea half-dozen.5 8.6 12.04
Guinea-Bissau xiii 16.two 16.39
Guyana 31.8 39 45.24
Haiti xv.3 15.half-dozen 17.59
Republic of honduras 24.7 34.3 32.96
Hungary 100.7 76 79.74
Iceland 84.8 86.2 89.93
India 5.2 4.4 three.97 3.63
Republic of indonesia 8.three 11.6 12.42 13.83
Iran 23.1 36.three 37.78 32.86
Ireland 106.3 87.9 76.85
Israel 97.ane 96 97.82 90.86
Italy 90.4 90.7 77.52
Jamaica 56.8 59.1 58.96
Japan 45.ix 45.9 49.34 39.83
Jordan 29.viii 42 35.31
Kazakhstan 44.8 62.6 64.49 49.half-dozen
Kenya xiv.3 16.7 15.26
Republic of kiribati 32.1 38.five 29.29
Kuwait 60.2 119.two 67.46
Kyrgyzstan 39 36.9 thirty.21
Laos 15 21.three 24.63
Latvia 45.7 61.5 68.72
Lebanese republic 63.ane 58.8 29.52
Kingdom of lesotho xv.4 18.3 27.thirteen
Liberia 7.nine x.4 18.37
Libya 28.6 33.v
Republic of lithuania 49.5 78.2 81.25
Luxembourg 141.7 107.9 80.08
N Macedonia 35.4 40.8
Madagascar 17.6 14.7 13.24
Republic of malaŵi v.1 eight.3 x.96
Malaysia 50.9 52.3 53.12 sixty.sixteen
Maldives sixteen.vi 21.six twenty.22
Republic of mali 19 22.2 23.46
Malta 86.9 84.5 81.1
Mauritania 29.9 29.seven 31.25
Republic of mauritius 39.6 49.iv l.95
Mexico 58.vi 63.viii 67.54 53.39
Moldova 22.7 26.8
Mongolia 108.8 82.i 87.9
Montenegro 57.7 76.39
Morocco xx.6 30.1 34.62
Mozambique five.6 7.8 8.28
Myanmar 10.7 32.i 44.69
Namibia 34 28.3 31.76
Nepal x 9.nine thirteen.79
Netherlands 89.iii 85.v 64.5 76.60
Netherlands Antilles 73.three 91
New Caledonia 76.6 72.6 73.16
New Zealand 142.i 106.4 87.95 74.54
Nicaragua 14.9 25.iii thirty.77
Niger 11.ii 25.6 eight.74
Nigeria eight.6 8.eight 7.33 5.49
Kingdom of norway 61.7 66 67.62 56.44
North korea 10.8 13.4
Oman 49.8 43.34
Islamic republic of pakistan 12.3 14.vii 16.01 fifteen.25
Panama 54.five 63.five 64.67
Papua New Guinea 73
Paraguay 70.3 41.nine 42.35 32.89
Peru 34.v xx.8 23.78 55.22
Philippines 31.ane 33.half dozen 36.vi 31.15
Poland 78.ane 76.nine 88.67
Portugal 91.ane 93.4 90.99
Qatar xc.5
Reunion 46.viii
Romania 54.5 64.7 67.87
Russia 51 69.2 76.35 59.63
Rwanda iv.four 6.v 7.93
Saint Kitts and Nevis 99.three lxx.eight 87.31
Saint Lucia 124.1 93.6 91.82
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 79.ane 91.4 93.38
Samoa 82.6 87.2 97.76
Sao Tome and Principe 9.six xvi.v 14.83
Saudi Arabia 44.half-dozen 54.4 49.17 44.thirteen
Senegal 17.seven 15.8 15.2
Serbia 45.2 56
FR Yugoslavia 77.6 [13]
Republic of seychelles 51.1 35.half dozen
Sierra Leone 6.1 7.iii 8.55
Singapore 71.1
Slovakia 67.4 60.four 58.25
Slovenia 88 88.3 73.14
Solomon Islands ix.vii 11.9 11.75
South Africa 39 58.six 62.49 51.26
South Korea 48 54.1 55.89 57.13
Espana 118.half-dozen 50[14] 32[xv]
Sri Lanka 6.half-dozen 6.3 six.v
Sudan 21 nineteen.1 20.97
Suriname 40.3 47.5 44.32
Swaziland 34.2 26.9 25.75
Sweden 76.1 80.two 74.04
Switzerland 72.9 74.7 66.i 50.31
Syrian arab republic 21.2 22.8
Tajikistan 8.7 14.7 14.73
Thailand 27.9 25.8 28.96 20.1
Timor-Leste 41.3 33.8 31.29
Tanzania x ix.vi
Togo 8.v eleven.seven 12.1
Trinidad and Tobago 57.8 47.seven 75.5
Tunisia 25.5 25.9 28.45
Turkey 19.3 25.3 39.97 32.03
Turkmenistan 41.7 58.6 55.73
Uganda xi.seven 11 11.55
Ukraine 32.iii 48.5 48.49 39.14
United Arab Emirates 74.4 73.8 68.59
United Kingdom 79.6 84.2 79.86 58.4
Us of America 124.8 120.two 121 98.21
Uruguay 98.6 55.iii 56.44
Uzbekistan 20.7 28.4 35.39
Vanuatu 32.half-dozen 35.4 38.32
Venezuela 56.6 76.8 36.12
Vietnam 28.six 49.9 64.68 fifty.32
Republic of yemen 14.7 17.ix 12.51
Zambia 11.9 12.3 14.19
Zimbabwe 15.two 21.3 17.61
  • Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United nations (FAO), FAOSTAT on-line statistical service (FAO, Rome, 2004). Available online at: http://faostat3.fao.org/
  • Meat consumption per capita refers to the total meat retained for use in state per person per year. Total meat includes meat from animals slaughtered in countries, irrespective of their origin, and comprises horsemeat, poultry, and meat from all other domestic or wildlife such every bit camels, rabbits, reindeer, and game animals
  • Per capita (person) calculations were conducted by WRI using FAO information on meat production and trade, and using U.Northward. data on population. Meat consumption was calculated using a trade balance arroyo - total production plus imports, minus exports.

Eu in 2017: 69.half dozen kg/person

Come across also [edit]

  • Vegetarianism by country

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ These are the original numbers reported by the FAO in 2002. They were changed by the FAO in afterwards updates[10] (post-obit the same standardized system they used in 2009)

References [edit]

  1. ^ Lawrie, R. A.; Ledward, D. A. (2006). Lawrie'due south meat science (7th ed.). Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing Express. ISBN978-1-84569-159-ii.
  2. ^ faostat. (Statistical database of the Nutrient and Agronomics Organization of the Un. Methods and Standards. http://faostat3.fao.org/mes/methodology_list/E
  3. ^ Loss-adapted food availability documentation. U.s.a. Section of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. https://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/food-availability-per-capita-data-system/loss-adjusted-food-availability-documentation/
  4. ^ Buzby, J. C. H. F. Wells, B. Axtman and J. Mickey. 2009. Supermarket loss estimates for fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, poultry, and seafood and their use in the ERS loss-adjusted nutrient availability data. United States Department of Agriculture. Econ. Infor. Bull. EIB-44. 26 pp.
  5. ^ Muth, M. K., S. A.Karns, S. J. Nielsen, J. C. Buzby and H. F. Wells. 2011. Consumer-level nutrient loss estimates and their use in the ERS loss-adjusted food availability data. U.s. Department of Agriculture Tech. Bull. TB-1927. 123 pp.
  6. ^ Nutrient availability (per capita) information system. (Excel files). United States Department of Agronomics, Economic Research Service. http://www.ers.usda.gov/information-products/food-availability-(per-capita)-data-system/.aspx#26705
  7. ^ Foodculture.dk (xi March 2013). "Forkerte tal om danskernes forbrug fordrejer køddebatten". Retrieved 31 May 2016.
  8. ^ a b Landbrug & Fødevarer (14 August 2013). "Danskernes forbrug af kød". Archived from the original on 25 September 2013. Retrieved 31 May 2016.
  9. ^ "Meat consumption per capita". The Guardian. 2009. Retrieved 21 February 2019.
  10. ^ a b Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2013). "Current Worldwide Annual Meat Consumption per capita". ChartsBin . Retrieved 21 February 2019.
  11. ^ Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United nations (FAO) (2017). "Food balances information 2017". FAO.org . Retrieved 10 September 2021.
  12. ^ "Farm production - Meat consumption - OECD Data". theOECD.
  13. ^ the State Spousal relationship of Serbia and Montenegro was dissolved in 2006
  14. ^ "¿Cuánta carne comemos en casa? l kilos por persona y año". Mercasa (in Castilian). Retrieved 2021-03-26 .
  15. ^ "Carne fresca: consumo por tipo España 2019". Statista (in Castilian). Retrieved 2021-03-26 .
  • Brownish, Felicity (ii September 2009). "Meat consumption per capita". Retrieved 3 September 2014.

External links [edit]

  • "FAO'southward Fauna Production and Health Division: Meat & Meat Products". fao.org . Retrieved 2017-07-12 .
  • "Agricultural production - Meat consumption". theOECD . Retrieved 2017-07-12 .
  • "Meat Atlas 2021, facts and figures about animals we eat" (PDF). Friends of the Earth, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland. September 2021. Retrieved 9 September 2021.


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_meat_consumption

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